I presented my Pecha Kucha this week and this post goes over the feedback I received, my personal response to the feedback, and where I want to go next with my research project.
Here is a link to my presentation slides on Dropbox.
The feedback from lecturers gave me a good indication that I was on the right direction with the way I wanted go about my research project. My goal for creating an animated showreel focusing purely on animation was good and I was right to not concentrate too much on writing a narrative or getting technical with rigging.
The idea of using Ed Hooks’ Acting for Animators as a good place to start with finding problems I want to tackle and it was suggested looking up on power centres as I noted I was interested in exploring personalities in walk cycles. I will probably do my first research task on this.
Most importantly, it was emphasised the best way to work on this research task was to just do stuff. Only by animating can I discover problems and tackle them.,
There were a few things that I missed out in my presentation that I planned to mention but just got short in time or forgot. Those included conveying humour through actions, particularly slapstick humour and Monty Python style walk cycles. I will also try to do some evaluation blog posts on my previous work, in addition to the work I do throughout this semester.
In regards to the final “end goal” or “vision” I had also considered working towards something to do with the 11 Second Club, perhaps the showreel would be work trying to better myself into then tackling a larger project such as an 11 Second Club competition entry.
So with that in mind I should keep on track with animating stuff and research through practice.