Supervisor Meeting

By January 21, 2016 May 5th, 2016 Honours Project

Today’s supervisor meeting was with Simone O’Callaghan, This week I reflected on the lecture regarding questionnaires and interviews. I considered whether they were entirely necessary for my project or not. My idea to use interviews (which would show people my work and they’d be asked questions regarding the techniques being used) was mostly to validate the comments I was making in regards to the style of stop motion animation. I didn’t need questionnaires for this but I was in the mindset following the ethics form submission that they’d be beneficial.

I spoke with Simone and we agreed that they were not entirely necessary and I would be better off focusing on animating. Since my project is based on an idea that stop motion has unique traits to it, other people’s opinions may not be beneficial to my final outcome. I wanted to keep my vision of creating an animation that used stop motion to enhance its style.

I discussed a story idea I had been working on this week, about exposed armature puppets where they were alive and self aware of their form. Celebrities and the upper class would have the money to “make themselves whole” by adding materials to their form. The animation would keep things simple and focus on one character looking out to the world.

Simone asked what would be the visual style I was aiming for and how I would create the sets. I explained that I would experiment beforehand with creating sets from cardboard and other materials and seeing how it turned out.

We decided the best way to continue this would be to focus on creating a storyboard and an animatic. This will be the goal for the next individual supervisor meeting.

I will also work on getting a rough structure for my dissertation in place, and will consider a “Making” section which would consist of a lot of concept art, and behind the scenes photographs documenting the process of creating my final animation.

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